Shakira Fighting Arizona Immigration Law
We all know Shakira as an highly successful award winning singer but did you know she is a humanitarian as well. So much so that she has a meeting set up tomorrow with mayor of Phoenix Phil Gordon to go over ways to over turn the quote," ridiculous, ignorant and discriminating" laws that went into effect recently. Some of our friends here at Pumps&Pistols™ wrote in and expressed there thoughts on the situation. "The new law is ridiculous and is just a way harassing anyone who looks Hispanic. It will cause ethnic profiling. I, as a Hispanic, would hate getting harassed because of my ethnicity. This is not the best way to track down illegal immigrants. Who comes up with these stupid laws that always manage to be aimed at certain groups!"-Via Andrea. This sh*t is all messed up! If you really think about it, we are all immigrants that came to 'The New World' in search of a better life and this so called "American Dream" West...
Arizona Immigration Law,